Celeste Medical

Treat are double chins, saddle bags, inner thighs, arms (bingo wings) and abdomen - including defining a six pack.

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What is Aqualyx?
Aqualyx is a non-surgical fat dissolving injection treatment. The procedure uses a solution of deoxycholic acid to safely and effectively eliminate small, stubborn pockets of fat which resist diet and exercise. It produces long lasting results, which means you can banish those annoyingly wobbly bits.
How does it work?
Aqualyx is an injectable solution which liquefies fat cells, destroying them for good. The lipids are then released and eliminated naturally by the lymphatic system. It is quick, convenient and minimally invasive.
What areas can it treat?
Popular areas that we treat are double chins, saddle bags, inner thighs, arms (bingo wings) and abdomen – including defining a six pack.
Are there any side-effects?
Immediately after treatment you may appear red and swollen with some bruising on the treated area. Aqualyx works by causing an inflammatory reaction in the fat cells which can result in swelling for 3-5 days. You will be able to reduce the swelling by using a cool pack wrapped in a clean cloth for a maximum of 20 minutes each day.  You cannot use anti-inflammatory tablets for 48 hours after treatment as this will work against the treatment. The treated area may feel tender and firm for up to 8 weeks post treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of Aqualyx treatments required varies depending on the size of the fatty deposit. Typically 1-3 treatments for small areas, such as the jowls and under the chin, and 2-8 treatments for larger areas such as the thighs. Treatments are spaced at 6 weekly intervals.
How much is the treatment?
Prices start from 400 euro.
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