Celeste Medical
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

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The nose is the most prominent facial feature, and many people feel self conscious about the shape or size of theirs. In the past, the only procedure that could change the shape of the nose was the rhinoplasty, a significant surgical procedure. However, it is now possible to alter the shape of the nose non-surgically, with a filler procedure that is easy and safe.


Feeling unhappy with your facial features can be detrimental to confidence and mental health, and finding a solution that does not involve surgery can be life-changing! Here at Celeste Medical, we love to see the difference that our procedures can make to our clients, especially in boosting confidence.


We believe that the best procedures offer the maximum results for the minimum amount of pain, and we know you’ll be impressed at the way in which our filler procedures can transform the face without surgery.


Benefits of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty


Non-Surgical rhinoplasty is a new and effective technique using fillers to alter the bridge of the nose or even out bumps. There are many reasons to consider non-surgical rhinoplasty, including:


It’s quick.


When you have non-surgical rhinoplasty, the whole procedure takes only 20 minutes. This means you can simply pop in for your appointment without having to re-schedule your whole day, and you can look forward to an almost instant transformation!


It’s effective.


With immediate results, you can begin to enjoy the benefits of your new nose straight away. You may be surprised that a filler could change the shape of your nose in this way, but results are impressive and there’s no need to wait for bruising to heal, as would be required with surgical rhinoplasty.


It’s long lasting.


Here at Celeste Medical, we use Juvederm filler, because we know we can rely on it to deliver great results. Depending on the individual and their metabolism, non-surgical rhinoplasty usually lasts 6-12 months, and offers great value for such a confidence boosting solution.


It doesn’t hurt.


A surgical rhinoplasty procedure can involve a great deal of pain and bruising, as well as waiting for bandages to be removed. Non-surgical rhinoplasty, however, involves filler injections that may feel a little uncomfortable but do not cause pain, and any redness or swelling usually resolves within 24 hours.


Talk To Us To Find Out More


Our friendly and experienced practitioner, Dr Mary, is always happy to talk you through the options and discuss procedures with you so that you can make the best choices for yourself. You can call now to find out more, send a message or request a callback at your convenience. We can’t wait to help you discover a younger, fresher version of you!

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